How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency [Proven Strategies + Tools]

Brand Strategy & Identity
Team Slam
Helping you win online

You’re eager to grow your business, but how do you market a marketing agency? You want to use the best tactics and the right tools that will help you achieve your goals quickly. 

At Slam Media Lab, we live and breathe digital marketing. As an award-winning digital agency, we’ve helped countless businesses from mission-driven startups to Fortune 500 companies turn SEO into their top marketing channel. 

Slam is dedicated to helping other agencies achieve results, which is why we create resources like the Slam Agency Starter Course.

How to Create a Strong Online Presence and Market a Digital Marketing Agency

Define Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP). What sets your agency apart? For example, Slam Media Lab’s focus is on no-code development and SEO for mission-driven companies. Building a strong brand identity and strategically using online platforms helps your digital marketing agency establish an online presence that attracts clients. 

Brand Identity for Your Digital Marketing Agency

Craft a distinctive brand identity to stand out from the competition.

  • Use memorable visuals - Your logo, color palette, typography, and overall design aesthetic should be consistent across all platforms. They should reflect your agency's personality and values. Invest in professional design to ensure your visual identity is polished and impactful. 
  • Develop a brand voice - Your brand voice is how your agency communicates with the world. The tone should be consistent across platforms and reflect your brand’s personality. A strong brand voice builds trust and fosters a connection with your audience. 
  • Showcase your work - Case studies and testimonials are powerful tools for establishing credibility and demonstrating the real-world impact of your work. Highlight the ways you’ve helped clients achieve their goals. For example, Slam highlights successful collaborations with clients like Northwestern University and Easterseals to build trust with prospective clients.

In the crowded digital marketing industry, your agency’s brand identity is your calling card. It’s the first impression clients have and the foundation upon which all your marketing efforts rest. 

Choosing the Right Platforms for Your Agency

Choosing the right platforms for your agency is key to reaching your target audience. Here’s how to use different platforms to attract new clients.

  • Website (your digital HQ) - Your website is the hub of your online presence. Use SEO best practices to ensure your site ranks well in search results. Create dedicated landing pages for each of your services and optimize them for specific keywords. Clear calls to action (CTAs) guide visitors to contact you or download a resource. Slam’s website launch checklist makes sure you’ve covered all your bases.
  • Social media - Use social media to engage potential clients and build brand awareness. Choose platforms where your target audience is most active. For example, use LinkedIn for B2B interactions. Instagram for visual storytelling, and Twitter for real-time engagement. YouTube is best for your in-depth content to demonstrate your expertise
  • Email - Nurture leads and maintain relationships with existing clients through an email list or newsletter. You can use lead magnets like downloads, PDFs, or courses to build your email list. You can also set up automated email sequences for different audience segments. For example, create a drip campaign that nurtures leads by introducing them to your services, sharing success stories, and offering incentives like discounts or free trials.

Consistency across all these elements reinforces your brand identity and builds trust with your audience. The key to using each platform to its fullest potential is tailoring your approach to the specific behaviors and preferences of your target audience.

How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency with Content

Before creating any content, you need a clear strategy. Think about your target audience, who they are, and what they care about. What do you want your content to achieve? Your content should address their specific needs, pain points, and goals. 

For example, if your agency focuses on helping creative agencies, your content might cover topics like “how to market a creative agency” or “how to promote your advertising agency.” Here are some tips to market your agency with the right content writing strategy.

  • Identify key topics - Brainstorm topics relevant to your audience that align with your services. Consider what questions your potential clients are asking, and create content that answers those questions.
  • Share value - Use email campaigns, blog posts, videos, and newsletters to share valuable information with your target audience. If you just published a new ebook on content marketing strategies, send it to leads.
  • Optimize for search engines - Use relevant keywords in your blog posts, divide text with subheadings, and include backlinks. Following SEO best practices helps rank your content higher in search results. 
  • Develop in-depth guides and eBooks - Create long-form content like guides and eBooks that your audience can’t find elsewhere. 
  • Publish case studies - Back up your case studies with data. Show measurable numbers like “increased organic traffic by 120%” to make your case studies more compelling.
  • Repurpose content - One way to get more mileage out of your content is to re-purpose it across different formats and platforms. You save time and reach different segments of your audience. Turn blog posts into videos, infographics into guides, and blog posts into an ebook. 

By sharing valuable content, you establish your agency as a trusted authority, attract potential clients, and nurture existing relationships. 

How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency with SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an effective strategy for marketing your digital marketing agency. By optimizing your website and content for search engines with small business SEO tools, you can attract more traffic, generate leads, and establish your agency as an industry authority. 

  1. Technical SEO
  2. Keyword Research
  3. Regular Editorial Content
  4. SEO templates

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the backbone of your website’s performance. It involves optimizing the underlying structure of your website to ensure that search engines can easily crawl, index, and rank your pages. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Website speed - A fast-loading website is crucial for the user experience and search engine rankings. Tools like PageSpeed Insights can help you identify and fix issues that are slowing down your site. Consider optimizing images, enabling browser caching, and minimizing CSS and JavaScript files to improve load times.
  • Mobile optimization - Having a mobile-friendly website is non-negotiable. Use responsive design to ensure your site looks and functions well on all devices. 
  • XML Sitemap - An XML sitemap helps search engines understand the structure of your website and find all your pages. Make sure your sitemap is up-to-date and submitted to Google Search Console to enhance your site’s crawlability.
  • URL structure - Keep your URLs clean, concise, and descriptive. Use hyphens to separate words, and avoid using unnecessary parameters or numbers. For example, use “/services/restaurant-seo” instead of “/services/page2?id=123.”
  • Fix broken links - Broken links can hurt your SEO and user experience. Regularly audit your website for broken links and fix them promptly. 
  • Calculate your ROI - You can use Slam’s free SEO ROI calculator to determine how well your investment is paying off and make data-driven decisions.
  • Track your SEO - Measure SEO initiatives for impressions, clicks, traffic, conversions, and other metrics over time to track your progress. Google Analytics is one of the best ways to track your website SEO.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying search terms your audience is using to find services like yours. By targeting these keywords, you can create content that meets their needs and drives them to your website.

  • Identify keywords - Start by brainstorming a list of basic terms related to your services, such as “digital marketing for nonprofits” or “SEO services for startups.” These keywords will help you discover more specific terms and long-tail keywords.
  • Use a keyword planner - Enter your keywords into Google Keyword Planner to find related keywords and phrases. Focus on keywords with a balance of good search volume and manageable competition. For example, if “restaurant SEO services” is a target keyword, you might also find related terms like “local SEO for restaurants” or “restaurant marketing agency.”
  • Competitive analysis - Look at the keywords your competitors are ranking for. Identify gaps in their strategy that you can exploit by creating better content for those keywords.

Regular Editorial Content

Creating regular, high-quality content is essential for maintaining and improving your SEO performance. Consistent publishing helps you rank for more keywords and keeps your audience engaged. 

  • Create a content calendar - Plan your content with a content calendar. It helps you stay consistent so you can cover a wide range of topics relevant to your audience. Include a mix of blog posts, case studies, and how-to guides.
  • Focus on Evergreen content - Evergreen content remains relevant over time and continues to attract traffic long after you publish it. For example, a blog post on “Best SEO Practices for Nonprofits” will likely remain useful for years.
  • Optimize content for SEO - Each piece of content should be optimized for its target keyword. Use the keyword in the title, headings, meta description, and throughout the body of the text. However, avoid keyword stuffing. 
  • Internal linking - Use internal links to guide readers to other relevant content on your site. These links help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your content.
  • Update outdated content - Regularly review and update older content to keep it fresh and relevant. Consider adding new information, updating statistics, or improving the SEO optimization. Updated content often gets a boost in rankings.

SEO Templates

SEO templates are pre-designed structures that make it easier to create optimized content consistently. They ensure that every piece of content you produce is ready to rank well in search engines. A keyword research template keeps keywords organized in a structured framework with a visual overview that optimizes the research process. 

An SEO article template includes sections for the title, introduction, headings, body content, internal links, and a call to action. This template should also include placeholders for meta descriptions, image alt texts, and any other SEO elements. If you send proposals to clients, templates like the consulting services template can help your agency stand out to individual clients.

How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency on Social Media

Each social media platform offers unique opportunities for marketing your digital marketing agency. Instead of treating social media as a one-size-fits-all solution, focus on specific, actionable strategies that align with each platform's unique user behavior. 

If you’re wondering how to promote a digital marketing agency on social media, tailoring your strategy for different platforms is the way to maximize your reach. Below are some of the top social media platforms for digital marketing agencies, and how to leverage each one.

  1. TikTok
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook
  4. LinkedIn
  5. X (Twitter)

TikTok: Showcase Your Expertise with Short Content

TikTok is known for its short, creative videos that capture attention quickly. For a digital marketing agency, it’s a great platform to show off your expertise as a short-form video. Let’s talk about how to market an agency on TikTok.

First, find communities within your target market, such as digital marketing for small business owners. Consider series-based content around a topic that relates to your expertise, like "30 Days of Digital Marketing Tips" or “SEO Myths Busted.” Turn your content into a series to build anticipation and encourage viewers to follow your account to see the next installment.

Incorporate trends into your content to increase your views. For example, use popular sound bites or participate in trending challenges, but put your unique spin on them. You could use a trending sound to highlight common marketing mistakes.

Slam’s TikTok content planner helps you and your team streamline the short-form video production process so you can maintain a consistent online presence. If you’re new to social media, you can to learn more about how to use TikTok for your small business with detailed explanations on how to use hashtags, partner with influencers, use ads, and more.

Instagram: Build a Visual Brand

Instagram is perfect for building a visually compelling brand presence and engaging with a wide audience. Post Stories to show quick updates, client wins, and tips. Promote new blog posts or webinars by linking them directly. Save your best Stories to Highlights, categorizing them by topics like “Client Success,” “SEO Tips,” or “Behind the Scenes.”

Use Instagram’s carousel feature to showcase your work through visual case studies. Start with a headline or client testimonial. Then follow with images or videos that detail the problem, your approach, and the results. Instagram Live Q&A sessions are a great opportunity for your team to answer digital marketing questions. Announce these sessions in advance to build anticipation and encourage participation. 

Encourage clients to share their experiences with your agency. Repost these on your feed or Stories. User-generated content serves as social proof of your services.

Facebook: Drive Conversions

Facebook is an ideal platform for fostering a community, sharing detailed content, and driving conversions. Here are some ways to leverage Facebook for your agency:

Start a group for your target clients (i.e. “restaurant owners who want to grow online”). Share exclusive tips, host live discussions, and build a community around your expertise. This group can serve as a funnel for generating leads by positioning your agency as a trusted resource.

Post in-depth articles, client success stories, and thought leadership pieces with links to your website. Add visuals or videos to increase engagement. Use Facebook Events to promote webinars, workshops, or other events. Invite your followers and encourage them to share with their networks.

LinkedIn: Establish Professional Connections

LinkedIn is your go-to platform for B2B marketing and connecting with potential clients, partners, and industry peers. Use personalized messages to connect with potential clients, partners, or collaborators. Start conversations by offering value, such as a free audit or a link to a helpful resource. Be genuine and avoid coming across as overly salesy.

Join LinkedIn groups related to digital marketing, SEO, and the industries you serve. Actively participate in discussions by sharing insights, answering questions, and providing helpful resources. Regularly publish articles on LinkedIn about industry trends, case studies, and actionable marketing strategies. These articles help position your agency as an authority.

X (Twitter): Engage in Real-Time Conversations

X (formerly Twitter) is excellent for real-time engagement, sharing quick updates, and participating in industry conversations. Post tweets with quick marketing tips, insights, and statistics relevant to your audience. Use threads to delve deeper into complex topics.

Share your latest blog posts, webinars, or case studies. You can pin important content or events to the top of your profile. Use polls to gather insights from your audience or ask questions to spark conversation. For example, “What’s the biggest marketing challenge for your business?” Polls and questions are great for engaging your audience and getting feedback that you can use for future content.

How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency with Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is like rocket fuel for your marketing efforts. It amplifies your reach, boosts visibility, and gets you in front of the right people, fast. When you do paid advertisements right, they can be one of the most effective tools. Learn below how to promote your agency with paid advertising.

Google Ads

Google Ads puts your agency right at the top of search results. Use them for targeted outreach to specific audiences based on location, industry, interests, and behaviors. Highly targeted campaigns perform best in crowded industries. Your cost-per-click (CPC) often drops because you’re not competing for the most generic, expensive keywords.

Leverage long-tail keywords if you’re not sure how to market your agency. Don’t blow your budget competing for broad keywords like “digital marketing agency.” Instead, get hyper-specific with long-tail keywords that align with what potential clients are searching for. Think “best design agency in San Fransisco” or “marketing agency for restaurants” Long-tail keywords often convert better because they reflect more specific, intent-driven searches.

Social Media Advertising

Meta Ads (Facebook and Instagram) give you access to one of the most advanced targeting systems available. You can target based on location, age, interests, behaviors, job titles, and more. Use these filters to your advantage by creating highly customized ads that speak directly to your audience's pain points.

A/B test different creative elements. Create multiple versions of your ad with different headlines, visuals, and calls to action. Maybe one ad uses a client testimonial video, while another uses a dynamic infographic. Run A/B tests to see which version performs best, then double down on the winner.

How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency with Partnerships & Collabs

Partnerships and collaborations enable you to tap into new audiences, build credibility, and showcase your expertise in ways that are more engaging than a cold email. Collaborate with complementary businesses that share your target audience but aren’t direct competitors.

Create joint content that provides value to both of your audiences. It could be a co-authored blog post, a white paper, or a webinar. For example, if you team up with a nonprofit software provider, post a blog on “The Essential Digital Tools Every Nonprofit Needs in 2024.” You both promote it, and everyone benefits.

How to Gather Client Testimonials and Case Studies to Market a Digital Marketing Agency

To market a digital marketing agency effectively, gathering client testimonials and case studies is crucial. At Slam, we post case studies with our creative solutions, measurable results, and client satisfaction across diverse industries. 

Use surveys and feedback forms to capture insights. Ask open-ended questions like, “What did you find most valuable about our services?” to generate detailed responses. For richer content, schedule a brief interview with clients. Dive deep into their challenges, how your agency helped, and the measurable results achieved. Consider offering a small incentive, such as a discount on future services, in exchange for a testimonial or case study participation.

Our case studies use compelling narratives, visually appealing designs, and data-backed success stories that underline our expertise and client impact. Case studies should offer a dynamic mix of problem-solving insights, client quotes, and specific outcomes, to build credibility and trust with prospective clients.

How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency with Webinars and Workshops

Webinars and workshops showcase your agency's expertise. They provide a platform to demonstrate your knowledge, connect with new clients, and broaden your reach. Make these events compelling by using them to educate rather than sell outright.

Engage with participants through interactive polls, Q&As, and real-time examples. Promote your webinars and workshops across your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters. You can record the sessions and repurpose them as evergreen content for your blog or social media snippets, which keeps the engagement going long after the event has ended.

How to Market a Digital Marketing Agency with Slam Tools

Using Slam’s tools and resources can set your agency apart in a competitive market. We developed several resources to help digital marketing agencies streamline operations and deliver better results for clients.

For instance, our guide on starting a Facebook ad agency walks you through setting up a strategy from scratch. Our guide on launching an SEO agency focuses on positioning and scaling your agency in the search optimization field.

Visualize success with Slam's agency reporting dashboard [course + template]. It helps you track performance and enhance client communication. Pair this with how to elevate your digital agency reporting with Slam’s template + masterclass to ensure that your reporting processes are efficient and data-driven. We also have a full selection of services to help your agency with everything from Webflow development to content strategy.

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