Lunarsol Studios

Webflow Design & Development

We teamed up with Lunarsol Studios to transform their digital presence with a visually stunning, immersive website that celebrates their commitment to social impact through art.


JULY 2023 — SEP 2023
What We did
Webflow Design & Development, No-Code Platform and Systems Building, Responsive Website Design, Landing Page Design & Development, On-page, Optimization, Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Art Direction, Illustration, Motion, and Graphic Design

Lunarsol isn't your typical creative studio. Lunarsol is an innovation studio weaving visual art culture and social impact for transformative change. They design customized experiences through art activations, murals and public art, exhibitions and curation, participatory creative workshops, and arts based curriculum.

Patience isn't always a virtue

The Challenge

How can a creative studio best convey its commitment to social change through visual art culture?

The Lunarsol team sought a redesign that emphasized the creative studio’s leading role in supporting diverse art projects through compelling copy as well as visually stunning colors, images, and immersive experiences. To achieve this, we needed an aesthetic and style that reflected their mission, engaged visitors and balanced creativity and performance.

The Journey

Crafting the Lunarsol vision

We began by immersing ourselves in Lunarsol Studios' world, capturing their unique blend of art and activism. We started with a brand discovery process to understand their artistic vision and mission for social impact. From these insights, we created a mood board that translated their core values into a cohesive visual language. Our next step was to develop an animation strategy that would bring their artwork to life on the website, ensuring a seamless integration with their brand identity.

Infusing color and texture

As we started exploring color palettes, we chose soft pink and purple clouds, intercut with vibrant, textured backgrounds, to highlight their artwork. These color choices kept the work as the focal point while exhibiting an artistic flair. Alternating bold colors with visually distinct white backgrounds created a balanced yet striking palette that brought out the typography and visual elements.

Nailing user experience to show their story and work

To effectively showcase Lunarsol’s work, we focused on how to display images, copy, and design elements in a way that tells a compelling story rather than just presenting them. We used scroll animations to add depth and engagement, while parallax effects on the “About” page created a dynamic, floating visual aesthetic. We also incorporated micro-interactions, such as hover states and layering effects, to enhance usability and interactivity, making the website both beautiful and engaging.

The Solution

A brand built by artists, for artists

Lunarsol’s message is twofold: the warmth of collective equity and solidarity and the bold, disruptive, yet positive nature of social change. Developing a comprehensive design for Lunarsol meant finding the perfect balance between these missions, mixing dark, cooler sections (Lunar) with vibrant, warm blocks of color (Sol).

Drawing inspiration from the Lunarsol name, we infused the brand identity throughout design by playing with the concept of mixing dark, cooler sections (Lunar) with vibrant, warm blocks of color (Sol). Visually distinct white backgrounds of pink and purple clouds were paired with swaths of bold colors, painting an authentic, bold, and soft palette for the brand.

Immersing visitors in artwork and social campaigns through animations

In order to capture and captivate the visitors landing on the site, we knew we would need to implement animations throughout design to create an immersive experience. We included a striking page loader to increase anticipation. Scroll animations drastically improve the experience of navigating the distinct sections of each page. In addition, the parallax scroll animation on the “About” page displays related assets, playing off the overarching aesthetic of the site by making the content “float.” Lastly, numerous micro-interactions, such as hover states and layering effects, were added to improve overall usability.

Applying technical SEO to a visually dynamic website

As a site focused primarily on artwork and imagery, Lunarsol required ample inclusion of animations, files, and images. Therefore, technical SEO became a focal point to ensure that optimal performance was achieved without sacrificing any of the design choices. By giving extra time and attention to image compressing, alt text, page structure, and heading hierarchy, we were able to optimize for search and site speed while launching a visually dynamic website Lunarsol loved.

Hear What Our Client Has To Say

As someone who deeply believes in sharing critical feedback, Slam was that good, that communicative, that clear-minded, that efficient. They will be my first call for design and I will recommend them to anyone. What was most unique? That all that hard work and great design was delivered with a sense of being on the same team and excited about what we are doing. These are creative people who enjoy the work they do and it shows. We were totally impressed.

Jonathan Darr
Head of Operations and Development
More Case Studies

Sparked Your Curiosity?

Read more of our case studies and learn about how we slam, so you can jam.

Let's Slam!

We move fast. We pay attention to details, care about your work (we’re your first call when you need it the most). Our goal is to help you succeed.Schedule a meeting — let's get the ball rolling!

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