The Death of My Two Fathers

Webflow Design & Development

Doing a slow documentary roll-out to maximize community impact takes maximum innovation. Quiet was up for the challenge. We were too. Together, we worked to make some magic happen.


The Death of My Two Fathers
MARCH 2022 — MAY 2022
What We did
Webflow Design & Development, Responsive Website Design, Brand Identity, No-Code Platform and Systems Building

Quiet is an Arts & Culture initiative committed to helping artists access funding, own their work, and start conversations about deep political issues. For their first documentary project—The Death of My Two Fathers (TDOMTF)—the team wanted to run a grassroots marketing campaign focused on community screenings. They partnered with us to bring the idea to life and make it picture perfect.

Patience isn't always a virtue

The Challenge

How can we bring a box office online?

How do you create a website that is UX-friendly and intuitive while still speaking to the creative and non-traditional nature of the film? The Death of My Two Fathers breaks boundaries both in story and in sales, as cinephiles could donate an amount to see the movie.

Our challenge, therefore, was twofold. First, how to the tell the story of a documentary in technicolor vividness, so people are immediately eager to get front-row seats. And second, how we could create a site that integrated SEO and tools like Memberstack for high-quality user experience.

The Journey

Understanding the Brand and Audience

Through the brand discovery process, we identified key feelings and values that the TDOMTF website should communicate to visitors:

  • Compelled to watch the film
  • Excited to share the film
  • Ease of Access to the film

Core values include:

  • Viscerally Appealing: The site should grab users' attention and influence perception.
  • Effective: Ensure users can find what they need to screen and share the film.
  • Pleasurable: Users should appreciate the thoughtful design.
  • Memorable: Build a positive relationship with users, ensuring a lasting impression.

Visual identity and brand Language

To reflect the film's themes of grief, redemption, collective healing, family, and legacy, we developed a unique brand language and visual identity:

  • Color Palette: Neutral tones to reflect the serious and reflective nature of the film, with occasional pops of color to signify hope and redemption.
  • Vibe: Clean, compelling, and edgy, aligning with the emotional depth of the film.
  • Direction: We wanted to emphasize the non-traditional approach to film distribution and audience engagement.

Designing for immersion

We wanted the site to captivate visitors from the moment they arrive. To achieve this, we designed an engaging interactive video experience as the centerpiece of the homepage, inviting visitors to "begin the journey." This immersive video draws them into the film’s themes and offers a glimpse into the director's vision, setting the tone for an unforgettable exploration.

The Solution

Pulling audiences in with a brand new video experience

While we focused on building out a comprehensive payment management solution, we were careful not to let our focus on the nuts and bolts eclipse the film itself.

To keep the documentary’s narrative at the heart of the design, we opted to open the site with an interactive video experience. The video invited folks to go deeper into the film’s themes and provided a new look at the documentary and the director behind it.

Building a custom payment solution

Quiet wanted to run a slow, exclusive roll out of the Death of My Two Fathers. To make this happen, they needed a site-native payment management solution that was easy to use on both the front and backend.

We integrated Memberstack, Zapier, Airtable, Wistia, and Webflow to design an elegant custom paywall and membership platform, helping the Quiet team run screenings with ease.

Uplifting the film’s themes with a unique brand language

The Death of My Two Fathers is deeply anchored in themes of grief, redemption, collective healing, family, and legacy. Underscoring these themes on the site was key for staying true to the team’s purpose.

We took the opportunity to build a brand language that would not only spotlight these themes, but also boost the site’s overall SEO, thereby reaching a wider audience with the film.

Hear What Our Client Has To Say

Slam Media Lab successfully created a functional website that was visited by thousands of users. The client’s film also received positive feedback for its screening. They were collaborative and provided valuable guidance to support and help the internal team’s online presence to the next level.

Sarah Baltazar-Pinheiro
Creative Producer
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