Community Solutions

Webflow Design & Development

Slam Media Lab partnered with the Center for Community Solutions to revamp their website, bringing a modern and user-friendly design to an organization that hadn't updated its site in over five years. The project focused on enhancing navigation, improving content clarity, and integrating a clean, minimal design to highlight the center's extensive policy-related resources.


Community Solutions
OCT 2023 — MAR 2024
What We did
Webflow Development & Design, No-Code Platform and Systems Building, Responsive Website Design, Landing Page Design & Development, Site Migration, On-Page Optimization

The Center for Community Solutions, a nonprofit organization dedicated to policy and community initiatives, sought a website redesign to modernize its outdated look, improve navigation, and make dense policy content more accessible. Slam Media Lab delivered a contemporary, clean design using trendy bento grid layouts, improved content discoverability with advanced filters and tagging, and seamless site migration to a new CMS for better management.

Patience isn't always a virtue

The Challenge

How do we introduce modern and accessible design for a site within a more traditional industry? *

The Center for Community Solutions' website had not been updated in over five years, leaving it with an outdated look that failed to meet current web design standards. This design, coupled with poor navigation and structure, made it challenging for users to find the necessary resources. The content, heavily focused on policy, was dense and needed to be made clearer and more concise to improve accessibility. Our challenge was to take over 1200 articles, old & slow Wordpress infrastructure, and outdated design into a UX-friendly and aesthetically energetic digital experience.

The Journey

Implementing UX principles from research to prototype

The Center for Community Solutions’ rose—and thorn—is the sheer amount of content the nonprofit produces, with 1,200 pieces and counting already on the site. We saw outdated visual design and confusing user journeys and turned them into exciting challenges, asking users and stakeholders how they felt about the current design, navigation structure, and content organization. Like their name, we focused on solving problems through and with the organization’s community at large.

Balancing modern designs and industry expectation

Contemporary landing pages you see hail most startup websites are less common for nonprofits, an industry that tends to lean more traditional due to user expectation and budget constraints. Design exploration—from crisp and bold mood boards to sleek and intuitive wireframes—focused on finding a balance between modern design elements and user-friendly interfaces that would excite any user, no matter their industry. With scroll interactions, grid layouts, and filtering, we brought fresh and innovative design to the nonprofit space.

Migrating to a new CMS and enhancing content management

The final step involved migrating the website from WordPress to a more powerful and flexible CMS. This migration was essential for managing the extensive content library effectively. We set up the new content management system with advanced features for tagging, filtering, and organizing the extensive policy-related content. The new CMS also supported better SEO practices, ensuring the site could reach a broader audience and improve its impact.

The Solution

Introducing bento to Community Solutions’ digital architecture

We developed initial mockups featuring a bento grid layout, providing a clean and organized look. The design was intentionally minimal to make the dense policy content stand out and enhance readability. We focused on creating a visual identity that reflected the center's mission and appealed to a broad audience. With the usage of bold blues and reds against a clean snow background, the site achieved a contemporary and clean appeal.

Making content just one click away

By restructuring the site's navigation and content layout, we significantly improved the user experience. The new tagging and filtering system made it easy for users to find specific articles and resources, enhancing the overall usability of the site. We redesigned the content presentation to make policy-related information clear and concise. The new layout emphasized readability, ensuring that even dense policy content was accessible and easy to understand.

A Webflow CMS to prioritize content quantity, organization, and rigor

The migration from Wordpress to Webflow provided the Center for Community Solutions with a powerful tool to manage their extensive content library. Webflow's CMS offered advanced capabilities, including custom fields and dynamic content structures, allowing for a highly organized and flexible content management process. With additional tagging and filtering capabilities, content management turned from slow and antiquated into a fast and breezy.

Hear What Our Client Has To Say

Revisiting my notes from our initial conversation, Slam nailed and delivered every single thing I asked for and MORE! They are SO creative, have worked with many organizations like ours, and always come up with solutions to help us move to a direction we’re all proud! I would work with them again in a heart beat!

Patty Carlyle
Director of Strategic Communications at Community Solutions
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